Hab. 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
About Us
Deborah was born again and had a radical transformation take place in her life through her new relationship with Jesus two years prior to meeting Steve. She then witnessed to him daily and as they fell in love, Steve also fell in love with Deborah's Jesus and their life together started soon after.
For the first year in their loving Pentecostal home church where they were married, they enjoyed bonding with their Pastors and new church family. The second year of their marriage became a bit more busy and much more involved in their local church as they and everyone around them discovered and sensed they had a strong call to the ministry on their lives. They jumped in and began volunteering for any and everything that needed to be done as they just wanted to learn, grow and serve and be discipled.
Deborah's mothers side of the family has a long list of ministers in the family genealogy. Her mother's brother Neil McGuire is father to Donny McGuire & Donny's wife is Reba Rambo (Dottie Rambo's daughter). So you can see the rich Christian heritage in Deborah's family. Her Grandmother Martha McGuire and many aunts and uncles continued for years to pray for Deborah and knew God had special plans for her one day.
Deborah & Steve's Pastor's recognized the call of God upon them to preach, teach and even the strong prophetic gifting unveiling in Deborah's life and they nurtured it to full development with the Holy Spirit's help. Steve & Deborah continued to serve and be on staff in their local church leading worship, being youth leaders and also doing home group meetings and young couples meetings. Children's church was also part of their years of training as well as Sunday school teachers.
Deborah preached frequently for her own local church and then in 1985 she and Steve started receiving invitations to go out and evangelize in conferences, ladies meetings, retreats and churches and revivals.
This was all preparation for the plans that God had unfolding in their future together. Steve & Deborah began to take bible study courses through the local church they were attending. Then a couple years later Deborah was licensed and then ordained through a large well known organization. She and Steve continued to minister and evangelize abroad as well as serve in their local church. During these years they both also held down full time jobs as well as serve in the kingdom and find their Destined purpose in life.
In 1990 Steve & Deborah were fasting and seeking the Lord as they sensed things were changing swiftly and were no longer content with what they were currently doing for the Lord. They were birthing something forth in the spirit and for months not seeing the revelation of it or understanding until it was due season and then while Deborah was washing dishes one day the Lord profoundly spoke deeply into her heart that it was time for them to start their own ministry in their home town. At this point they were at a crossroads to obey the voice of God because they had to pull away from the organization they were part of and become independently licensed in order to start their own church. It was against the bylaws of the organization to have 2 churches within the city limits.
Later, that same year, in 1990, Steve & Deborah rented their first facility and co-founded Promised land World Outreach in Willows, California. God miraculously met with them each step of the way. Families joined them, young couples, homeless people, a wide mix of people from all walks of life. They also operated a thrift shop with their church which allowed free clothing and food for those in need. They held dinners for the homeless and witnessed to a large population of Laotian and Hmong people through an interpreter and saw several come to the Lord. They enjoyed street evangelism as well as witnessing to families living in local motels and also doing park crusades and BBQ's. They have indeed seem many lives saved, rescued, transformed and discipled through various seasons of ministry.
In 1996, Deborah took her first international trip with friends from the bay area to China to smuggle Bibles into underground churches. Then in 1997 she received an invitation to be a key note speaker in a prophetic conference in Kenya East Africa. It was in that conference she made a connection and received an invitation to travel to Zambia, Africa to speak. So, in November of 1997 she and Steve went to Zambia to begin a fruitful relationship that only God could have predestined.
In 2004, some exciting unexpected blessings of favor were released to Deborah & Steve. First a ministry based out of Colorado Springs contacted her and said they had heard about her testimony of her juvenile delinquency. They were preparing to write a book called "Daughters Of Destiny" and asked if Deborah would also include her testimony in this book. She was honored to be one of 9 women to share her story. This book has been distributed in nearly every youth and adult institution, jail and prison throughout the United States and some foreign countries as well. Deborah has received hundreds of letters of inmates being saved from reading her story and others in this book throughout the last few years. She has even heard from soldiers in Iraq who were encouraged and ministered too in their faith through the book.
That very same year, in August of 2004, a dream of Deborah's heart of over 20 years came to pass, she made history and was sworn in as the very "First Youth Chaplain" in her entire County.
The next thing that took place in August of 2004 was an accredited well known Bible college contacted her because hers and Steve's name were submitted for approval of favor bestowed on them for serving faithfully in ministry for nearly 20 years. The president and faculty board decided to allow Deborah & Steve to only pass all of the final exams and not have to attend the normal four years of college to receive their Honorary Doctorate degree in theology. They prayed about the offer and knew it was God's favor and plan as this offer fulfilled a prophetic word that had been spoken over their lives.
In 2005, the wind of God began to change and rearrange the scope and direction of Steve & Deborah's ministry. It was now time to step into a more demanding traveling ministry giving prophetic insight and apostolic oversight to ministries and churches.
In 2006, Deborah was invited to speak in Ventura County in Southern California. This would be a large open door of God networking her and Steve's life with an extended team to accomplish the next season's destined purpose He had in mind. Deborah was incarcerated in Camarillo Youth Authority ages 16-18. What an honor it was to be able to return to the facility in 2006 and minister and share her testimony. Two thirds of all the kids female and male were born again that day because of the penetration of the Holy Spirit and the radical transformation they witnessed in Deborah's life. It is so amazing to see how every week as she and Steve pour into young kids lives incarcerated in her own county how God gloriously continues to use her testimony to restore and set free these world changers full of purpose and anointing. Steve & Deborah are honored and humbled to be instruments of God's love, grace and forgiveness to others.They are enjoying being Jesus's hands extended and kingdom carriers of his glory to all mankind.
Still today, many years later, Deborah continues to travel to Ventura County to minister to a group of people who continue to be set free, healed and activated and released into areas of ministry. Steve & Deborah love to travel and fulfill ministry engagements locally, nationally and internationally. Their heart passion is seen locally because they are community minded and also globally MINDED with a heart for the nations.
In 2007, Deborah took a team comprised of people from southern California and from northern California and returned to minister in Zambia. This is where the vision of the orphanage was birthed. Renovations began on a facility in Zambia to house 100 street & destitute children.
Our dream became a reality in August of 2010 as Deborah & Steve returned for the grand opening. Please click here to read more about the orphanage.
Deborah & Steve remain busy about their Fathers kingdom business as their passion in life is to see people set free and walking in their destined purpose and the unveiling blueprint that God has orchestrated for them before the foundations of the world.

It is with great sadness we announce that Deborah’s precious Steve went on to meet the Lord in 2023. He will be loved and missed by many.
Deborah has remarried Gregory Zauss and is now ministering together as Greg is a musician. They reside in Forest Ranch Ca.