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Relentless Kingdom Daughters

17 RELENTLESS KINGDOM DAUGHTERS FROM THE NORTH SOUTH EAST & WEST ROCKED THE RANCH with GODS GLORY! These ladies were set free delivered and unleashed to transform their world for Jesus. A kingdom downpour of God's glory refreshed restored and healed all who attended. We are forever changed and passionate to spread our contagious RELENTLESS kingdom imprint of love on everyone we embrace. Thanks girls .. We are world changers and history makers for Jesus. You have captured your Daddy's heart and Ma-Ma D's too. —

Here's what some of the women had to say about this past weekends retreat at SHALOM ROCKIN RANCH...

Isabel "Izzy" - Went to The women’s Retreat this weekend And wow it was Amazing, God really moved & brought about so much growth & Healing. I am forever changed in so many ways. During Worship at church I felt like doing a backflip. I could burst from the fire that’s burning in my heart. I am in love with the most high God Nothing can compare!!

Brobborsia"Bobbie" -  What a weekend!. God showed up an showed off!! Thank  you sisters. For all of your obedience, what an honor it was to be a part of the R.K.Ds Amen!

Christina B- Thank you for everything, Deborah! So so so very thankful to God for you and Steve, your generosity, your hospitality, your love, and more. God bless you in every way and make His face to SHINE upon you. Continued glory on your house, because it's His house!

Praise the Lord. I believe the Lord lifted MUCH oppression off of me and healed me from some hard knocks taken in the battle. It was very refreshing, strengthening, and encouraging to get around my Relentless Kingdom Sisters and give/receive support for the journey. Thanks for letting me nap/rest on Saturday. I was so tired, my only response was to cry.

He gave JOY JOY JOY in abundance though!!! And healed my neck from an old car accident injury while we were at Bethel. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND PEACE (SHALOM) TO HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH!!! AMEN!!! Thanks again for opening Shalom Ranch up to us. I believe Jeremiah 31:22 is the end result of what we are seeing in these end days. The Bride of Christ, led by His women, seeking after our LOVE - JESUS!!! The Men started it in Acts, the women finish it in Revelation! I'm not sure, but these are things I ponder. Commentaries on this verse are enriching. :)

Love and blessings to all!!!

Christina B. AGAIN :)

Thank you so much, Mama Bear, for hostessing us all with love and for allowing us to catch our breath, relax, and refresh in the glorious presence of His Majesty. God is Good! I so enjoyed sharing another special and totally Kingdom-appointed time with my sisters in Christ and look forward to many more. I love you, my relentless sisters! Have a great week!!!

Helen - Yeah baby we "Rock that Ranch" from top to bottom!!!

Through you the blind will SEE
Through you the mute will SING
Through you the dead will RISE
Through you all hearts will PRAISE
Through you the darkness FLEES
Through you my heart SCREAMS
I am FREE, yes, I am FREE...
YUP I'd say that sums my weekend up at Shalom ROCKIN Ranch!

I ❤ my RKS's! MISS YOU SO MUCH ALREADY...ok enough of that! Now let's get back on track and get this party rockin... Ok when's the next one!!! Ready to ROCK THE RANCH and BLOW THE ROOF OFF!

Incredible, incredible, powerful amazing women! ❤

THANK YOU ❤DEBORAH❤ FOR RELENTLESSLY pursuing the truth and interceding for our FREEDOM from the chains and shackles that have had us women shut up, put up, bound up, (like all those UPs...that's what you would say...LOL) set back and stripped from our Heavenly Destined Purpose. Your reckless abandonment and faithfulness continues to be a powerful force in clearing the path for others as we pursue the power of God within and fulfill our destined purpose. THANK YOU for your Heart, Passion & Love to see us all walking in Freedom and our Destined Purpose. The residue and aftermath of God's unbound love is still permeating all around "The Glory Cloud" remains intact.

Jennifer - God rocked Shalom Ranch this weekend! I'm not sure I've ever seen His power move before, like it did Sat night. He sets the captives free and his daughters on a rock! Praise you Jesus! So excited for the next one! Thanks sis, for being obedient.

Christina L - When I arrived home at around midnight, the "Rock The Ranch" didn't just blow Shalom Ranch's Roof off, it had totally reached my dwelling in Thousand Oaks! The amazingness is never ending and this one is for Helen of Troy-at Midnight- my five year old son, Michael and I burst out in Laughter and it was awesome at a Mock 5 level(April). The Joy was off the chain! It reached to all and my 2 year old daughter Naomi broke into joyous dance. I am eternally grateful for each of you.

Shalom Deborah,

When we were getting ready to leave Shalom Ranch, I heard you praying for our journey home as I was walking out of your door. Of course, I heard this in the Spirit. My healing was miraculous too.  You are such a gift. I have had so many tears, wonderful cleansing tears since. I am so beyond amazed at the life changing touch of our Savior, at His love and power, at all He is.  At retreat, I was touched by God in such a mighty way.  I will never be the same as when I came. Jesus called my name and the destiny He created for me is beginning to unfold.  Deborah is one of the greatest treasures my life has known.  And I got amazing Sisters in Christ too.  I love and cherish my Spiritual Mama!

​One last thing, A few weeks before the retreat, I thought, why am I letting my natural circumstances dictate to me what I can and cannot do? I chose to tell my husband I wanted to go and we prayed over it. He immediately said he heard I am to go. I didn't know how but I was. A short time later, a woman I loved from our Church who no longer goes there and I decided to hang out. During the time together, she handed me an envelope which contained a letter and $75.00:) Made my heart smile at my God.

Christina L

April - AMEN!!!!! Triple fold. You woman are extraordinary

Denise  - I had such a great time at Shalom Ranch this weekend. What an Amazing Father God we have!! So glad to have met and learned from every Relentless Daughter of the King that was present, you all hold a special place in my heart. I'm looking with expectation to hearing all the praise reports that follow as each of you go forward toward your God given destiny.

Helene P– Hi Deb,

i received a much needed time of refreshing in the Lord,... bonding with a great group of women desiring to become" Relentless Kingdom Daughters": caring and fun loving women of all ages and locations in the state. who all were desiring an outpouring from the Lord. .... Worship was sweet and opened our hearts to hear from the Lord.

seems like "freedom" was one of the main movements of the Holy Spirit in some of the teaching and the ministry time. Women experienced being set free and
released in JOY, JOY,JOY. ......and way too much food.

i intentionally left out our gift from our hostess (thongs)


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