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Zambia International News

Steve and Deborah have had the opportunity to air TV programing with Pastor Stephen Mwakibinga in their many visits. They have opened “Destined To Live The Good Life Orphanage” in August 2010. ​
It is truly Steve & Deborah's honor to be in relationship with Pastor Mwakibinga and his wife, and this fast growing passionate church of Integrity for Kingdom advancement. Thank you to all of our wonderful partners and sponsors who make all of this possible.
Jesus himself commissioned all of us to take the gospel to the entire world. Perhaps you yourself will never be able to go, however by joining hands with us all your seed is reaching millions every day with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's all make our mission, The Great Commission.
A word from Bishop Stephen Mwakibinga in Kitwe Africa
Divine meeting from God is how I would address my first encounter with Drs. Steve & Deborah Powell. It was in 1997 when God brought our two families and ministries together. I remember very well the Woman of God who came with her husband and was scheduled to speak in a city wide conference in the following week. I went to the guest house on a Saturday night to welcome them and invite them to preach in my church the next morning. This was spur of the moment and a pleasure for us to have them come. When Prophetess Deborah came to our church for the first time, it was amazing the oneness in spirit we felt and complete unity. She remembers herself telling her husband of the bond we felt immediately. Truly it was God's divine appointment.

Sunday as Prophetess Deborah was ministering, the power and presence of God was very strong. She ministered prophetically to our leaders and it was awesome the accuracy and timing of the seasoned words that came forth. Even the anointing for healing as God ministered to the sick was present. To my surprise the exact sermon she brought forth was what I myself had been recently ministering to my church.
Two days later the prophetic conference began. She brought forth strong revelatory teachings concerning prophecy. We also were blessed to experience for the first time classes of a prophetic school. It was somewhat astounding and amazing as an impartation was released throughout the assembly of people attending. Then Prophetess Deborah had people separate into small groups and encouraged them to prophecy for the very first time. Everyone began to receive of God's anointing and a beautiful spirit of prophecy fell upon the people as many spoke forth for the first time.
Our hearts were so united and since then we have been receiving her and her husband each year.
Year after year, we have experienced great ministry from she and her husband. She has ministered in our conferences, crusades, youth, leadership meetings and home cell meetings. Their ministry has brought souls to Jesus and remarkable life changing experiences to many. Prophetess Deborah is greatly sought after in this area as she has consistently established a message of hope for our Nation. We are very grateful for all the support we have received from Promised Land World Outreach Center. Each time they come and go we receive countless testimonies of God's power that has transformed lives. My wife and I are so thankful to God for our covenant relationship with them as they have been a tremendous support and blessing here in every way possible. Their heart for Africa is God ordained.
ZTBN Studio Bishop Stephen with Drs. Deborah & Steve
ZNBC Radio & TV Studio
Bishop Stephen, Drs. Steve & Deborah, Gladys

© 2013 by Promised Land World Outreach. All rights preserved.

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