Hab. 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Dr. Deborah Powell's Bio
For those who have come to love Deborah, their perception of her is that she is a "uniquely gifted extraordinary women of God". Her warm compassionate no nonsense ability to communicate the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ is simple yet profound in its delivery to ones' heart.
Deborah's journey through life began as she was resurrected from the dead from her mother’s womb. Soon after she was ensnared by the forces of evil during her young adolescent years spending most of them institutionalized or incarcerated. She was gloriously transformed from a broken discarded vase, and now beautifully restored into a never-ending, exciting kingdom canvas by the painter of new life as she embraced the love of Jesus.
Deborah is multifaceted in her kingdom assignments and a loving wife to her "Knight in Shining Armor", her husband Steve. Deborah is also the co-founder of a global international ministry called, "Promised Land World Outreach". Deborah has hosted her own Radio and TV programs, co-authored a book "Daughters of Destiny" and more recently written her own autobiography titled "Destined To Live The Good Life" which is now available on Amazon.com. She has also composed and recorded her own music, and is currently serving in her ninth year as Glenn County's First Youth Chaplain where she resides.
Deborah is the proud mother of many precious orphaned children in Kitwe, Zambia Central Africa. She and her husband Steve are the co-founders of the facility there called "Destined to Live the Good Life". Some call her Dr. or Pastor, Evangelical, the Chaplain, Rev Deb, and finally Mommy; yet her greatest joy is hearing her heavenly Father call her highly favored beloved delightful daughter.
Deborah's greatest aspiration and Joy is making a kingdom impact and an eternal imprint of the love of Jesus to every life she embraces. At the end of the day, if another broken hurting life is transformed and set free, this and this alone would be the sum conclusion of a beautiful expression of her Father's heart beat.