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Hab. 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
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Praise Reports
A few years ago we invited Reverend Deborah Powell to come to our church to minister our Sunday morning service. The invitation came off of the recommendation of a brother in the Lord who I trust greatly. We were not disappointed but instead were awesomely blessed. Her sensitivity to minister according to where the Holy Spirit was dealing with us a a fellowship was striking. It was as though she had been "reading our mail". Her gifting as a prophetess and psalmist was both edifying and accurate with all who received personal ministry from her. Her message was timely and the integrity with which she handled God's Word was exceptional. We are not only hosting her again, but opening more days for her ministry to us and our community.
Pastors Charlie and Judith Ellen Moody
I would like to thank the Lord for the many blessings that I have personally received throught this ministry. Throughout the years Pastors Steve and Deborah have carried the torch of the Lord, traveling great distances to minister to the people of God and to bring hope to the body of Christ, sometimes even to the backwoods of the United States and also to foreign lands. We just want to thank you, Pastor Steve and Deborah, for all the times you have traveled hundreds of miles to come up to northern California in times past and now to southern Oregon, bringing a fresh word from the Lord.
Many blessings, Pastor Emanuel Galea
"You may not know what is going on with your house, but God does." That was the word Deborah gave me at a meeting in Yreka over 2 1/2 yrs ago. At the time I thought what about my house? What does that mean? I was not looking to relocate; I had a good job. Nothing was going on with my house as far as I knew. The word was brief and to the point, but what could it mean? Two weeks later Deborah sent me the word that was taped at the meeting, the prophetic word, "but God does!" I sensed this word was about my cabin but could it also be talking about my physical body? Isaiah 66 says where is the house you will build for me and where is the place of my rest, suggesting that God wants to reside in us and not in man-made temples.
In July 2003 I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Over the years it had caused stage two liver fibrosis. As fibrosis advances it turns into cirrhosis. At the time specialists said I had to undergo a year long chemotherapy treatment. It only has a 30% success rate and cost $85,000. It can have many serious side effects and most people don't do very well on the treatment. I called Steve and Deborah and others to pray for me. Deborah was persistent that I claim life and not death, that the report I was to receive and believe on was. What does God's Word say? I had a hard time accepting that God really was and is in control. I decided to pass on the expensive treatment and tried some other more natural alternatives. In June 2004 I had another liver biopsy. The liver damage had reversed back to stage one and the doctor said the alternative treatment looked promising. I know people's prayers also changed things.
Just as I found out my liver condition had improved I was notified they were going to eliminate my job. Where I lived there is no other work than the kind I was doing. I live 50 miles from Yreka. My only option was to sell my house and relocate. Now that preordained word, "God knows what is going on with your house" was very real, on time, made sense, and it was going to help see me through the test. Trusting God to do the impossible! In a meeting in April 2005 in Yreka, Deborah had a word reaffirming that I was to stand in integrity, that the Lord would come through, that I was to remain faithful to what the Lord was doing in my life. The word also said God would do a creative miracle for me concerning employment. In May 2005 I talked to the local Indian tribe where I live about my situation. So what did they do? They created a job for me where there was no job!
Frankly I was so overwhelmed with apprehension about my situation and bad reports it made me unsure that God would come through. I was also a little unsure of the "have faith teachings" Deborah was sharing and so insistent on. Faith is after all the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Even with Moses leading them they would not mix faith with what God was doing so they wandered aimlessly in the wilderness for forty years and could not enter in. The Bible says faith come by hearing the Word of God and whatever is not of faith is sin. Yes, God can give you a word to contemplate, to prepare you for something, and to hold you up when you need it! What He says will come to pass. God is absolutely awesome! We may not know what is going on but He does. He is always faithful to watch over and perform his Word.
I had been struggling with thoughts about some past sin in my life that had serious consequences. I had dealt with these issues and knew I was forgiven, but still was feeling a bit hypocritical, not knowing for sure if God would still be able to use me as an effective witness in a positive way, without hindrances. So I prayed to God that at the upcoming meetings where Pastor Deborah was preaching, that she would give me a Word from Him to answer my concerns and let me know what God would have me do with my feelings of inadequacy ; whether He could use me as I was- sin and all. On the second night of the weekend meetings, Deborah had a surprising word for me that she did not really understand, but told me not to worry about my past, that it would not hinder my work for the Lord and that He will still use me, and that I was fully qualified. My past did not disqualify me. It immediately put all of my questioning doubts to rest and so assured me. What a blessing it was for me, because I knew that God heard my prayer and was answering me through Pastor Deborah! It is such an amazing and wonderful blessing, being in His presence, worshiping the Lord of the universe, and hearing personal answers to prayers, healing and encouragement through Deborah at these meetings!
I just give God all the praise and thanks for what He has done in my life. I was very depressed and sleeping all day and night (very weary) and went to a Friday night at church and through Deborah, God spoke to me exactly about what I was going through- which was weariness, and I had not told anyone so I know this was from God. I thank God for Deborah and using her to speak through to me a word that changed me and broke the spirit of weariness off of me. Since then, that night I couldn't sleep and had so much energy and the next morning I was going and going and doing things like never before. Every day since I've been going strong. I'm not sleeping my life away and no longer depressed. Thank you Deborah for letting God use you as a vessel in my time of need. I haven't been the same since. I am so much happier, energized, and have so many visions now. I have a whole new outlook on life. I was once weary, but now I'm no longer weary and full of joy, happiness, strength, healing, energy and so much more. Words can't express how much I've changed and how I look at things now with new eyes and seeing things like never before.
Kimberly W.
Hi Pastor Deborah;
I just wanted to let you know what an Awesome time I had in the Lord during your recent visit to Hornbrook Calif. When a friend invited me to attend the church where you were going to be ministering, my first thoughts were not exactly God's highest & best. It has been my experience that usually, rather Most of the time that you hear about a Prophetic ministry coming, they are so full of themselves or are occupying a Prophetic office because of gifting, NOT CALLING.
I know it was meant for me to be there that Saturday night service. You remind me a lot of our former Pastor / spiritual Mom Peggy (Apostolic covering) who is now with Jesus.
She was confident in who she was in God, yet always remembered who she was not. She told it like it was, yet not in a condemning way. She had a rough upbringing, but did not use it as an excuse to prevent her from walking in her call & anointing. She was bold when it pertained to the things of the Lord.
The message you brought was in line and agreement with the Word and you had no agenda of your own. The thoughts and personal experiences of your own life made you more relatable to those receiving. You operated in order to the Holy Spirit by first asking permission of those that you ministered to. You allowed the spirit of God to have Freedom and that's what was Awesome.
I look forward to seeing you again to hear what exciting things the Lord is doing in yours and Steve's life. Blessings and new revelation to you and your family.
Benjamin & Jody
Medford, Oregon
As Pastor's, we wanted to share a praise report from a recent meeting that Pastor Deborah had in our church.
Our congregation is somewhat laid back and really unfamiliar with the gifts of the Holy Spirit & words of Knowledge and prophecy and so forth. We noticed right away when Deborah began to minister in song and then preach that a very strong anointing filled the church. Our people were sincerely touched and transformed. After Deborah finished preaching, she began to minister in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Everyone was totally captivated by the sweet presence of the Lord. Hearts of our congregation began to soften. Those that had previously been skeptical of this dimension of God's Glory, quickly became open and receptive to the Holy Spirits moving.
It was really amazing and Awesome to witness the accuracy of the prophetic words as Deborah imparted them to our people. The Holy Spirit gave her the ability to really speak into the heart and core issues of situations. Pastor Deborah brought forth Revelatory words concerning special gifts that our people had. She also brought forth words about key issues concerning family members.
One lady in our church was ministered to about her grandson. The word given to her was that God was turning the situation around, and that the grandson had been real trouble to her. God assured her that he would turn the whole situation around. At the time that this word was being given, Deborah had her hand on the Lady's shoulder. God completely healed her shoulder of chronic pain she had experienced for a very long time. Only a few days later, this Lady received a phone call from her grandson. To her surprise the grandson had recently been Born Again and repented and ask her to please forgive him for all the trouble he had caused her. He also offered to pay back all the money he owed her. COMPLETELY CHANGED just like God said. Needless to say, this sister is no longer skeptical of the moving of the Holy Spirit. Since Pastor Deborah has come and ministered in our church, we have really experienced a tremendous BREAKTHROUGH that we have prayed and believed for, for a very long time. Our people are totally changed. They are hungry and very sensitive now. Many were healed and encouraged by this timely seasoned ministry. We ourselves were Blessed by am important prophetic word that we needed to hear at this time.
We would encourage other Pastor's to experience this truly unique ministry. It will change the life of your congregation and leave them refreshed & renewed.
Pastor's Don & Cathy
I am still being tremendously RESTORED as I write this testimony. After five long years of turmoil & disaster, with God's grace and fulfilled promises in my life, I am now finally beginning to see the light at the end of a dark tunnel.
In a nine month stretch, I lost my 17 year old son after a three year battle with cancer. I also lost my marriage of 20 years and if that wasn't enough, my home burned to the ground.
Two years ago Pastor Deborah came to Yreka and held a Revival meeting. I went to the meeting and she spoke prophetically into my life concerning the challenging time I had been going through and one of the things that the Lord spoke to me through her was this. The word said: You have passed the test and GREAT RESTORATION was coming to me. Only God himself could restore the brokenness in my life. I held onto the word, received & believed it by faith in spite of my current circumstances.
To my amazement and delight, my world and my life is truly being GREATLY RESTORED as God promised. I am rebuilding a beautiful mansion style home, I have been given a precious granddaughter and am being remarried in the month of May. My finances are also being restored. Just exactly what God said through Pastor Deborah. It was totally impossible in the natural, but God supernaturally has faithfully, and continues to faithfully, greatly restore everything in my life. I believe the greater the battle, the greater the plan God has for your life & ministry. If you are reading this and need restoration in your life in any area, trust God to do it. Look beyond your circumstances through the eyes of faith and watch miraculously what God will do for you.
I have chosen to become a monthly media sponsor with Pastor's Steve & Deborah because I believe they have a timely prophetic word of the Lord that needs to reach the 4 corners of this globe. I have found their ministry in my life to be a lifeline that preserved me in troubled waters and carried me through to my season of RESTORATION. God is truly faithful. God Bless You!
We have always been Blessed through Tithing & sowing seed. There have been lean seasons, but God has always been faithful. If we are obedient God will abundantly Bless us. We bought a house and in only 3 years had it totally paid off. He continues to give us homes, vehicles and job favor because we were obedient to sow when he asks us to.
I was sick sick with a fever and went to the Doctor. They did a chest X-ray and found a mass on my lungs. The Dr. wanted a cat scan. We prayed as well as our Pastors Steve & Deborah Powell. When we returned, we found the mass was gone. I had the results on my Birthday.....Thank you Jesus.
I strained my shoulder and then fell on it. I couldn't move without severe pain. So, we prayed and again our Pastors prayed and I began to get better and pain, Completely Healed Praise Our Lord.
Our children are Blessed by Tithing & Sowing as well.
We have become TV sponsors which will air in Zambia. The Host Pastor in Zambia believes that Pastor Deborah has been called a Prophetess to the nation of Zambia. Our Pastors believe this too so we are excited to team up with the as they walk through this exciting door of opportunity.
As this pastors couple, we want to encourage all of you to become a sponsor too. If God has Blessed you, he has done so with a purpose in mind. That you could be a channel of distribution and see the Kingdom of God advanced and the Nations of the World won with the Gospel. You will be rewarded with millions of souls birthed into the Kingdom of God.
"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
"Death cannot praise you; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for your faithfulness. It is the living who give thanks to you, as I do today." Isaiah 38:18-19
In 2003, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Initially, I was putting my trust in the Lord for healing, but as each additional test came in (showing multiple tumors in the uterus, cervix and colon), my hope began to wane and I started making plans for someone else to raise my 11 year old daughter. As an RN, I knew science tells us that a person's chances for surviving ovarian cancer diminish greatly with metastasis of heart disease.
Praise the Lord, for He is greater than any science or device of man. Both of my doctors were pronouncing doom, but the Lord has other plans. My friend from childhood, Pastor Deborah Powell, took time off from her busy schedule and came up to Yreka to intercede for me during surgery. Deborah was not about to accept the prognosis the physicians gave without a fight. To the amazement of the surgeons, all the tumors proved to be benign, despite their appearance, despite the blood testes and despite the knowledge and the expertise of the physicians.
"By His stripes we were healed" is not in any of the medical texts.
Well, as I am sure anyone who has had a close brush with death can tell you, the experience tends to make a person more acutely aware of their priorities. Consequently, when Pastors Steve & Deborah put out the word about their opportunity to evangelize via a television station in Zambia, I felt the call of the Lord to sign up as a monthly financial sponsor. Being a single, working parent (who is still paying off last year's medical expenses), this decision was not made lightly.
However, as the bible gives many examples of the Lord's provision for those who obey Him, I knew that He wanted me to stand with Steve & Deborah in battling the demons who hold sway in the Dark Continent. I pray that many of you will hear and heed the same call. Any sacrifice we can make cannot compare with the sacrifice that He made for us. I hope that those of you who read this testimony will be encouraged to move in what ever directions the Savior leads you.
Greetings in the name of Jesus. I praise God for the many blessings he has bestowed on me. Without a praying Grandmother and God in my life, I would not be here today to share this with you.
In 2001, I attended a Revival where I first became acquainted with Pastor Deborah Powell. She had a prayer line and the anointing was so very strong. I was facing another surgery after experiencing many in my life. Some of my internal organs had shifted and were not in the right place. Surgery was scheduled to attempt to reposition everything properly.
Pastor Deborah laid her hands on me and honest to God I could literally feel everything shifting inside of me. When I returned to my Doctor he canceled the surgery because he found that some way outside of medical science everything that was terribly out of place was exactly positioned correctly and functioning properly. A creative miracle for sure, and to God be all the Glory.
Recently God blessed me financially, and I began to sow seed as he instructed me too. I was blessed to be able to sow into Promised Land World Outreach Center. I became aware of the TV program opportunity and the ongoing work internationally as well as locally and I just really wanted to somehow be a part of it all. It is so Awesome to think of having a part of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an entire Nation of 10 million people and even more exciting that via this website and the media player that people all over the entire world can hear and view sermons from Pastors Steve & Deborah. Wow, just think of the Harvest of souls that will come forth from these avenues. I am so excited and thoroughly blessed to be a small part of all this.
After I sowed the seed that God to spoke to me too, I received another divine miracle. I was miraculously HEALED OF CANCER Praise the Lord. I believe that my obedience to God in the area of finances as well as every area of my life, was the key that positioned me to receive my healing.
I encourage you to be a vessel of obedience that God can flow through and if he speaks to your heart as he did to mine, get on board and become a ministry partner or media sponsor. Link hands with Pastors Steve & Deborah and catch the anointing that they walk in through partnership and watch your life change. More importantly watch The Nations of this World change as they continue with our support to reach out to the entire World for Jesus. Trust Jesus and give him all of your heart and he will be faithful to meet your every need. God Bless.
I am inserting this testimony as told to me recently. I was ministering in a church the weekend of Oct. 3rd. A young couple approached me after the service and ask if I would pray for them about having a child. They were having ongoing difficulty in this area as you will read in the testimony. I shared with them of earlier times that I had personally prayed for women in Africa with closed wombs and God performed miracles and they were blessed with Children. I told them that the same God that does miracles in Africa, performs miracles for anyone who will believe. We agree in prayer. Three weeks later at the end of Oct., I returned to the preach again , only this time at the church this couple attends. I knew of course they desired children, because of our previous prayers, but as I was ministering the Holy Spirit impressed me to tell them to prepare for a new addition to their family, a little one was on the way. Here is what happened, as reported to me by Theresa on the phone. My husband Nathan & I have been married 51/2 years and have not gotten pregnant. Pastor Deborah agreed with us to have a baby and in only a months time, she confirmed to us I was pregnant and to get ready for a new addition to our family who was on the way. I actually had been late on my monthly cycle, which she had no knowledge of. I went to my Dr. the following week and guess what? After 51/2 years......we are pregnant. To God be all the Glory. Praise God, that truly he is the God that performs miracles for those who believe. We want to encourage you to expect your miracle too.
Theresa & Nathan
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