Hab. 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Ventura's Annual Rising Star Dance Competition

Excerpt from Sade Champagne - Thank you to Dr.s Steve and Deborah Powell for inspiring me to start Ventura County's Annual Rising Star Dance Competition!
March 2013 News Update
For the last 4 years Sade Champagne has been hosting an annual Dance Competition in Ventura County to help support and raise funds for our orphanage in Zambia. This year was Ventura's 4th Annual Rising Star Dance Competition hosted by her and was located at the Thousand Oaks Teen Center. Thank you to all those who came out and supported the Orphanage. We raised $822 for the children in Zambia!
Ventura County's 4th Annual Rising Star Dance Competition Sade Champagne Presents:
Saturday March 2nd, 2013 @ 6:30pm @ the fabulous Thousand Oaks Teen Center. Tickets are only $10 per person and can be purchased at the door, from the finalists, & Sade Champagne.
We are once again raising money and awareness for the "Destined to Live the Good Life" Children's Orphanage in Zambia, Africa! ♥ click here to visit our website.
The best and most creative dancers from all over Southern California will be competing for cool awards and prizes! There is no other amateur dance competition like this in Ventura County! Surprises and raffles all show long =)