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Hab. 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Partnership is a commitment of regular financial support to help meet spiritual and practical needs of people all over the world.
And you know, at Promised Land World Outreach, we're pretty aggressive when it comes to meeting needs. We take the truth of God's Word about love everywhere by showing God's love. When we meet people's physical needs, they open their hearts to the Gospel.
But we can't do this alone. That's why we're asking you to join our family of partners.
What Does My Partnership Do?
Partnership will actually position you for Guaranteed Success! Paul explains partnership and the blessing of God it activates to the Philippians. Phil. 4:15-19 says, "And you Philippians yourselves well know that in the early days of the ministry, when I left Macedonia, no church (assembly) entered into Partnership with me and opened up a debit & credit account in giving and receiving except you only. For even in Thessalonica you sent me contributions for my needs not only once but a second time. Not that I seek after your gift but I do seek and am eager for the fruit which increases to your credit (the harvest of the blessing that is accumulating to your account). I have everything I need am amply supplied, not that I have received the gifts you sent to me. They are a sweet odor and well pleasing to God. And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to his riches in Glory in Christ Jesus." -AMP version
Wow! This is a powerful promise from God concerning partnership. Paul explained in vs.17 that he was not after their money, but instead wanted to see the harvest of blessings that would accumulate to their account. Every seed sown into good ground in God's kingdom positions each of us for Guaranteed Success! vs.19 promises all your need will be supplied, physical, financial, emotional, relational and spiritual.
Your Partnership is literally making every part of this ministry possible! You're providing a place for people to contact for prayer and the ability to share the Gospel worldwide through our free meetings, web, TV, radio and magazine. You're also making possible the many outreaches.
We are so appreciate of all of our faithful sponsors and benefactors. Without your generosity and your ongoing prayers and support this dream would never have blossomed into a reality.
Partnership is a vital ingredient to be confident that all your needs will be met. It's God's word. It's the provision he made for us before the foundations of the world. Seedtime & Harvest.
We invite you to activate all these promises from God by joining our team. As a partner we will pray for you daily. Your partnership will enable us to continue to transform lives all around the world via the media & the Internet.
All donations to Promised Land World Outreach are tax deductible. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our Tax ID is 68-0259217. May God richly bless you and multiply your seed sown.
Please make all Checks Payable to:
PLWO care of Rev. Deborah Powell
P.O.Box 424
Forest Ranch, CA 95942
Promise Land World Outreach
Incorporation ID 84-2502552
Click on the "Donate" button and you will be redirected to another page to complete your payment. From that page you can select the type of payment method you desire to use. You may logon to your PayPal account or if you don't have one, you may pay by debit/credit card. Select your payment type to finish your transaction. Thank you.

Become A Partner Today

If you have any other questions please fill out the contact form here and we will get back with you right away.
Promise Land World Outreach
Incorporation ID 84-2502552

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