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Juvi Hall 2005

Message From Chaplain Deborah:

I want to thank Kevin Looker from The Good Shepherds Studio for joining hands with us to make these concerts possible. Special thanks to all of the merchants and private parties who donated so generously to continue to bring monthly events into this Juvenile Hall. You will see from the pictures below just how much joy is being released into these kids lives. The message of restoration and forgiveness is coming through loud and clear through each event. You will hear the hearts of these precious kids when you read their letters. Jesus is showing up and showing himself strong on their behalf. When I was locked up in a youth prison years ago and felt like my life was over, I too had people that came in to visit me that spoke destiny and the love of God into me.

Now I have been given a platform and an awesome opportunity to speak the same thing into these kid's hearts. I tell them always, you are somebody precious and important to Jesus and he loves you unconditionally. No greater joy do I have than to see each child embrace that promise and that Love. Thank you for allowing me to be HIS arms extended.

Partial excerpts of letters from some of the kids:

Dear Chaplain Deborah,
It made me feel really good that you organized this concert for us. I really enjoyed Innate & Kurious... the Artist. They were cool. I enjoyed your story about how God changed your life. All of it gives me hope, that I can turn around too. Thanks for giving us the CD's. Hope you will continue to do more concerts for us.

Dear Pastor Deborah,
Thanks so much for bringing these concerts to us in a place like this. I really liked the Rappers. Even with all the stuff I have been involved with, gangs and drugs and stuff... just hearing your story and theirs too makes me believe and trust that God can change my life too. Tell the rappers they were the Boom. I hope they come back soon and do more concerts.

Dear Pastor Deb,
Thanks for bringing in the rappers from Medford. They were awesome. Kurious' country song was cool. I really liked the driving song that Innate did. I really appreciate all your ministry and what your church does for us here at the Hall. I have been here a while, and I look forward to you coming. We really know that you care about us and that God loves us even though we are in a correctional facility. I am convinced that there are good people in the world. Looking forward to more concerts. Thank everyone who helps put this on and pays for it please.

Dear Chaplain Deborah,
We told you this during the concert at the Hall Saturday. Being a group of girls who are involved with gang activity, we formed a LETTER G with our hands and told you you were a G girl. A G girl is someone pretty as yourself and knows how to handle herself and respected from those around. One of our girls from our group protested with a big smile and said, "No Way!" She formed a big letter G with her hand and said; this is who Deborah is. She is a Great God Girl. WE know you have told us, when you were our age, you messed around in gangs too. We like the people you hang with now, so we decided we can be Ggirls for God too.

Dear Pastor Deborah,
Thank you to everyone who made this concert happen. It is really cool that you would take the time to do this on your Saturday. Please thank the Rappers for coming all the way from Oregon. They were awesome.
As you probably remember, it is not fun being locked up. It is very depressing. This event allowed us to laugh and just enjoy being kids. All of the songs were upbeat and had a message of hope and love in them. Thanks for the message you shared in-between their singing. Listening to you and what you have gone through really encouraged me that I can change too. You gave all of us hope that we too can succeed and have a good future ahead. Please be sure to thank everyone for us who donates so these concerts can keep coming to us. It is pretty cool to think that people right here in this community still believe in us. Knowing that we are loved gives us the desire to keep going and to do better.

Dear Chaplain Deb,
I really liked these Rappers, Innate & Kurious. They kept us distracted from what our current situation was. It was the best concert yet. I really dig the way they perform and yet it was not really about them, but about God in them. Please thank everyone who is making this possible. Thanks for all the putting together and organizing that it takes. Knowing that we are loved and believed in is really changing our hearts for real. You tell us the truth and give us a better way to handle life. You are loved and appreciated.

Here are some of the kids own words that they wrote about the concert in letters to myself. I think you will hear the message of their heart and how impacting and life changing this event really was. On behalf of each of these 24 kids, Thank you to all of those who helped and supported in any way. These Kids will forever be changed.


Chaplain Deborah

Portions of Letters from kids:

Thanks Pastor Steve & deborah for organizing this concert for us. It was really cool and loved the Rapper and the cold drinks were very thoughtful too.

Chaplain Deborah:
All of you made us feel important and accepted, even tho we are in a place like this. Thank you for making us feel special.

Dear Chaplain Deborah & Pastor Steve & Everyone:
Thanks for the concert. I hope we have more. Tell the rapper.. .. minister RMB, he did a great job. And tell Kevin from the studio he did a great job too. I am thankful for the whole thing. I loved the concert, but I really like when you took the time to pray for each of us.

Dear Chaplain Deborah & Everyone:
You guys could have been anywhere doing something a lot more fun on Saturday. Instead you came to do the concert for us. I thank you for that. It was cool and we all had a great time.

Dear Pastor Deborah & Steve & Minister RMB:
Thank you all for what you did with this concert. Not many people would do what you are doing. You showed us that you really care for us and want us to all do better in life. What I really learned during this time is that you guys were not here with a message of religion, but instead a relationship with Jesus. I now have more belief and hope than I have ever had before. Thanks for everythiong you are continuing to do for us.

Pastor Deborah & Steve & Everyone:
Thanks for coming. I learned some very important things during the time of ministry ... preaching and rapping! learned for myself it does not matter anymore how involved I was with gangs and drugs. I discovered I can give my heart to Jesus and start all over and fresh now. You have taught us that Jesus will help us out of any situation and problem. No-One in my life has ever done for me what you guys have. Thank you again.

Dear Pastor Deborah & Steve & All who came:
Thank you for the time you spent with us.The music and preaching was all good. What you did for me means so much. I mean really how many people would do all of this for someone locked up? Thank you.

Pastor Deborah,
No-one has ever done anything like this for any of us. We know you truly believe in us. Looking forward to next months concert.

To Everyone Who Put This Together:
Thanks so much. Thanks to Minister RMB and Chaplain Deborah for Rapping and preaching to Juveniles that think we are hard core. It was so cool. Like being at a candy store. Has someone Rapping to us and then praying for us and then preaching for us ... too cool. I am grateful all you people came and took time out of your life to waste on us. It really hit me hard. These people care about us, and are doing all this •.. and not even getting paid for it. I hope all of you do again and that Minister RMB will come and Tear It Up!

Pastor Deborah,
Thanks for the concert ... but also thanks for always coming in and ministering to us here and giving your time.

Dear Pastor Deborah & Steve & all:
I was really really touched deep down inside. You have such respect for kids like us. Everything you did and said impacted us. Please keep coming. You are very Loved.

© 2013 by Promised Land World Outreach. All rights preserved.

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